Enum WaypointTypes
Waypoint Type (TYPE)
public enum WaypointTypes : ulong
AirwayIntersection = 128
Uncharted Airway Intersection.
ApproachUse = 536870912
Published for use in Approach Procedures.
ArcCenter = 1
ARC Center Fix.
RNAV Waypoint.
ArrivalUse = 268435456
Published for use in STAR.
ChartedIntersection = 4
Unnamed, Charted Intersection and/or Unnamed DME Fix.
CombinedIntersection = 2
Combined Named Intersection and/or named DME Fix and RNAV Waypoint.
DepartureUse = 134217728
Published for use in SID.
Enroute = 2147483648
Source Provided Enroute Waypoint.
FinalApproach = 1024
Final Approach Fix.
FinalCourseApproach = 4096
Final Approach Course Fix.
FinalCourseInitialApproach = 65536
Final Approach Course Fix and Initial Approach Fix.
FinalCourseIntermediateApproach = 131072
Final Approach Course Fix and Intermediate Approach Fix.
FullLatitude = 33554432
Latitude/Longitude Fix, Full Degree of Latitude.
HalfLatitude = 67108864
Latitude/Longitude Fix, Half Degree of Latitude.
InitialApproach = 32768
Initial Approach Fix.
InitialFinalApproach = 2048
Initial Approach Fix and Final Approach Fix.
InitialMissedApproach = 524288
Initial Approach Fix and Missed Approach Fix.
IntermediateApproach = 8192
Intermediate Approach Fix.
MiddleInnerMarker = 8
Middle or Inner Marker as Waypoint.
MissedApproach = 262144
Missed Approach Fix.
MultipleProcedureUse = 1073741824
Published for use in Multiple Terminal Procedure Types.
NamedDmeIntersection = 64
Named Intersection and/or Named DME Fix.
NamedStepdown = 8388608
Named Stepdown Fix.
NondirectionalBeacon = 16
NDB or Terminal NDB Navaid as Waypoint.
NotAtProcedure = 4194304
RF Leg Fix Not at Procedure Fix.
OceanicGateway = 1048576
Oceanic Gateway Fix.
Off = 4294967296
OffRouteIntersection = 16384
Off-Route Intersection and/or Off Route DME Fix.
OffRouteIntersectionFaa = 16384
Off-Route intersection in the FAA National Reference System.
OuterBackMarker = 32
Outer or Back Marker as Waypoint.
Stepdown = 2097152
Unnamed Stepdown Fix.
Unknown = 0
VisualFlightRule = 256
VFR Waypoint.
VolumeIntersection = 16777216
FIR/UIR or Controlled Airspace Intersection.
See section 5.42.