Enum WaypointNameFormats
Name Format Indicator (NAME IND)
public enum WaypointNameFormats : uint
Abeam = 1
Abeam Fix.
AirportIdentifier = 32
Airport Ident as Fix.
AirportName = 4
Airport Name as Fix.
AirportRunway = 4096
Airport/Runway Related Fix.
BearingDistance = 2
Bearing and Distance Fix.
Checkpoint = 16384
VFR Checkpoint/Reporting Point as Fix.
FiveLetterName = 512
Published Five - Letter - Name - Fix.
FlightInfoRegion = 8
FIR Fix.
LatitudeLongitude = 64
Latitude/Longitude Fix.
LessFiveLetterName = 1024
Published Name Fix, less than five letters.
LocalizerOfficialFive = 32768
Localizer Marker with officially published five - letter identifier.
LocalizerUnofficialFive = 65536
Localizer Marker without officially published five - letter identifier.
MoreFiveLetterName = 2048
Published Name Fix, more than five letters.
MultipleWordName = 128
Multiple Word Name Fix.
Navaid Ident as Fix.
PhoneticLetterName = 16
Phonetic Letter Name Fix.
Unknown = 0
UpperInfo = 8192
UIR Fix.
See section 5.196.