Enum LegType
- Namespace
- Arinc424.Procedures.Terms
- Assembly
- Arinc424.dll
Path and Termination (PATH TERM)
public enum LegType : byte
AltitudeTermination = 21
Altitude Termination or HA Leg.
ArcToFix = 14
Arc to a Fix or AF Leg.
ConstantRadiusArc = 13
Constant Radius Arc or RF Leg.
CourseToAltitude = 9
Course to an Altitude or CA Leg.
CourseToDme = 10
Course to a DME Distance or CD Leg.
CourseToFix = 3
Course to a Fix or CF Leg.
CourseToIntercept = 11
Course to an Intercept or CI Leg.
CourseToRadial = 12
Course to a Radial termination or CR Leg.
DirectToFix = 4
Direct to a Fix or DF Leg.
FixToAltitude = 5
Fix to an Altitude or FA Leg.
FromFixToDistance = 6
Track from a Fix to a Distance or FC Leg.
FromFixToDme = 7
Track from a Fix to a DME Distance or FD Leg.
FromFixToManual = 8
From a Fix to a Manual termination or FM Leg.
HeadingToAltitude = 15
Heading to an Altitude termination or VA Leg.
HeadingToDme = 16
Heading to a DME Distance termination or VD Leg.
HeadingToIntercept = 17
Heading to an Intercept or VI Leg.
HeadingToManual = 18
Heading to a Manual termination or VM Leg.
HeadingToRadial = 19
Heading to a Radial termination or VR Leg.
Initial = 1
Initial Fix or IF Leg.
ManualTermination = 23
Manual Termination or HM Leg.
SingleCircuitTermination = 22
Single circuit terminating at the fix or HF Leg.
TrackToFix = 2
Track to a Fix or TF Leg.
Turn = 20
Procedure Turn or PI Leg.
Unknown = 0
See section 5.21.