Enum AltitudeDescription
- Namespace
- Arinc424
- Assembly
- Arinc424.dll
Altitude Description (ALT DESC)
public enum AltitudeDescription : byte
AtAboveAtBelow = 4
At or above to at or below altitudes specified in the first and second Altitude fields.
AtAboveFirst = 1
At or above altitude specified in first Altitude field.
AtAboveSecond = 5
At or above altitude specified in second Altitude field. Condition is which ever is earlier.
AtBelowFirst = 2
At or below altitude specified in first Altitude field.
AtFirst = 3
At altitude specified in first Altitude field.
AtVerticalSecondAtAboveFirst = 12
At altitude on the coded vertical angle in the second Altitude field and at or above altitude specified in first Altitude field on step-down fix waypoints.
AtVerticalSecondAtBelowFirst = 14
At altitude on the coded vertical angle in the second Altitude field and at or below altitude specified in the first Altitude field on step-down fix waypoints.
AtVerticalSecondAtFirst = 13
At altitude on the coded vertical angle in the second Altitude field and at altitude specified in the first Altitude field on step-down fix waypoints.
GlideInterceptSecondAtAboveFirst = 10
Glide Slope Intercept Altitude specified in second Altitude field and at or above altitude specified in first Altitude field.
GlideInterceptSecondAtFirst = 9
Glide Slope Intercept Altitude specified in second Altitude field and at altitude specified in first Altitude field.
GlideSecondAtAboveFirst = 8
Glide Slope Altitude (MSL) At Fix, specified in the first Altitude field on the FAF Waypoint and Glide Slope Intercept Altitude (MSL) in second altitude.
GlideSecondAtFirst = 7
Glide Slope Altitude (MSL) At Fix, specified in the first Altitude field on the FAF Waypoint and Glide Slope Intercept Altitude (MSL) in second altitude.
NotBeforeAtAboveSecond = 6
At or above altitude specified in second Altitude field. Condition is which ever is later, which is operationally equivalent to the condition of not before.
OptionalAtAbove = 11
At or above altitude specified in second Altitude field applicable until established inbound on the racetrack pattern. Optional at or above altitude specified in first Altitude field applicable at the Fix.
Unknown = 0
See section 5.29.